With our products you will save so much time! You will be able to prepare an Italian dinner in a very short time! You will not need to think about what to cook for dinner, it will be easy to choose from our wide range of tastes and preparations!


You can organize fantastic Happy Hour without mess or split into portions! Pastareadytoeat is all single portion and ready to eat at any temperature! Leave everyone surprised with the genuine 100% Italian quality.


A set of ready meals that comes in a plastic tray (lasagna, cannelloni, penne, trofie, etc). The preparation is very simple and requires only to reheat the product in an oven, microwave or pan.

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Good eats Italy

The quality of our food is guaranteed by a dairy raw material from our land and by a tested and certified production process that blends together the values ​​and tastes of tradition and modernity.

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